
Check the insurance provisions available to you, and where you can access these services.

For support and advice about policy excesses or what to do if your insurance does not cover your claim, contact your IPSA Account Manager.

Scheme rules

Associated costs include::

  • utility bills (gas, electricity, other fuel and water)

  • Council Tax

  • ground rent and service charges

  • buildings insurance (if you own the property)

  • installation of a landline telephone line, line rental and usage charges

  • installation of a broadband connection and usage charges

  • purchase, installation and maintenance of "routine security measures" (ie, not those which are now funded by the House of Commons as recommended or further security measures) [4.4]

The following are not considered associated costs and IPSA will not pay any claims for them:

  • cleaning

  • gardening

  • the purchase or maintenance of furniture

  • home contents insurance, TV services, or TV licences [4.5]

The office costs budget is provided to meet the costs of renting, equipping and running MPs’ constituency offices, surgeries, and other activities which support their parliamentary functions, where these costs are not covered by other budgets. [6.1]

All MPs are eligible to claim for office costs, whether or not they rent office premises. [6.2]

Rent cannot be claimed for a home office (and note that such an address will be treated as the MP’s home rather than an office, for travel claims). [6.8]

IPSA will pay for rent on an office only after it has been registered and accompanied by the required documentation including the MP's rental agreement. [6.13]

Claims for the following costs will only be allowed if the constituency or home office has been registered with IPSA, and comply with the requirements set out in Office costs you can claim:

  • energy and water bills

  • business rates (not for home offices)

  • contents insurance

  • buildings insurance (not for home offices)

  • rental and usage costs for telephone and internet access [6.14]

For more information, visit Completing a Property Registration Form.

Hire cars may be used where there is no reasonable alternative.

MPs may claim for the cost of hiring the vehicle, of any fuel used, and insurance purchased. [9.22]

For more information on making a claim using IPSA Online, visit Getting reimbursed for travel.


The House of Commons funds and administers a range of insurance policies designed to protect MPs when carrying out Parliamentary and constituency duties.

It is a condition of all the policies that insurers should be informed at the earliest opportunity of circumstances that may lead to a claim being made. Failure to do so may lead to them refusing to respond to a claim.

Insurers understand the diverse nature of an MP’s role. However, none of the policies (with the exception of Personal Accident) will respond if you are undertaking party political, campaigning or personal activity.

The policy protects MPs in their position as an employer, against allegations or claims of wrongful employment acts such as unfair or wrongful dismissal, discrimination and sexual harassment.

It is a condition of the policy that appropriate HR support has been received and that advice has been followed.

You should contact the Members' HR Advice Service as early as possible in the event any issues or concerns arise concerning your staff, receive a grievance, Employment Tribunal claim or notice from ACAS of Early Conciliation.

There is a policy excess of £2,000 per claim.

Who to contact

For support and advice regarding Employment Practices Liability insurance, contact the HR Advisory service within the Members' Services Team:

You are insured against any claim arising from the death or physical and mental injury of employees during and arising out of, or in the course of, their employment.

This cover extends to students, temporary staff, interns and volunteers as well as direct employees.

Who to contact

For support and advice regarding employers' liability insurance contact the Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team:

You are insured against any claim for damage plus the claimant’s costs in respect of accidental bodily injury or death sustained by third parties, or damage to their property whilst that person is on their premises.

An excess of £1,000 applies to each claim made against this policy.

Who to contact

For support and advice regarding public liability insurance contact the Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team:

Subject to several exceptions, you are insured for claims made against you by third parties for alleged breach of professional duties, neglect or error committed in good faith and allegations of defamation.

Allegations of defamation are covered, but are subject to several exceptions.

Actions taken on your behalf by your direct employees are also covered.

Please note: claims from fellow Members are not covered by the policy and cannot be reclaimed from IPSA under the Scheme.

Claims relating to criminal investigations or charges cannot be reclaimed from IPSA under the Scheme.

The policy is subject to a £1,000 excess which is payable by you. This excess can be reclaimed under the Scheme.

You can submit claims to IPSA for this using the standard claims process.

If the claim can be settled for less than the excess sum of £1,000 such as a copyright infringement, the cost to settle the claim may also be reclaimed under the Scheme (but the claims process must still be followed).

If you are faced with a claim, you should not acknowledge receipt or admit liability and contact the Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team (MMSST) immediately with full details.

Do not make a judgement on whether or not the claim is valid. It is a policy condition that the insurer must be notified as soon as you become aware of a claim being made, or of any circumstances that might reasonably be expected to bring about a claim.

Be aware that a verbal complaint with a threat to "take the matter further", or a letter of complaint alleging neglect, error or omission may pre-empt a claim. Failure to notify the MMSST may result in the insurers refusing to accept the claim and leave you personally financially exposed.

Visit the Parliament intranet for more details.

Who to contact

For support and advice regarding professional indemnity insurance contact the MMSST:

You are insured while travelling outside of the UK on Parliamentary business.

Cover is effective from the time of departure from your residence or place of business in Britain (whichever occurs last) until arrival back at either of these places (whichever occurs first), at the end of the journey.

Time spent on incidental leisure visits – a few days at the start or end of an official business trip – is also covered.

Spouses and civil partners are covered when accompanying MPs on Parliamentary or constituency business.

Losses or costs for £50 or less incurred within the terms of the policy will not be paid.

Approved claims above £50 will be paid in full with no excess deduction.

Who to contact

For support and advice regarding travel insurance, contact the Members' Hub team:

Travelling to new places can hold unforeseen risks for the traveller.

If you are not familiar with your destination or have any concerns, Members’ Hub team can help to provide you with a risk assessment before you go.

To access the services visit the Healix website which gives travellers some valuable extra benefits.

Please be aware this service is not covered under the policy and a charge will apply.

If you would like a risk assessment or threat assessment report before you travel, contact the Members’ Hub team who can help to provide you with a report.

Please be aware this service is not covered under the policy and a charge will apply.

In the event that you are in a region of the world where your security becomes threatened because of civil unrest erupting around you or for another reason, you can now get some tangible help.

Visit the Healix website to access specialist security advice and physical help from their local agent in certain circumstances.

MPs (together with their accompanying staff/partner) travelling overseas on official business may obtain travel advice, vaccinations and medication from the Occupational Health Service at St Thomas’ Hospital.

Cover is provided on a 24-hour basis for all MPs whose permanent residence is in the UK.

The amounts payable under the terms of the Policy depend on the severity of the injury suffered.

Cover also applies when your spouse is accompanying you on Parliamentary or constituency business from the time of leaving your place of residence until your return.

Who to contact

For support and advice regarding personal accident insurance, contact the Members' Hub team:

It is a policy condition that the insurer must be notified as soon as you become aware of a claim being made – or of any circumstances that might reasonably be expected to bring about a claim.

Failure to notify the Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team may result in the insurers refusing to accept the claim and leave you personally financially exposed.

Once a potential claim has been submitted to the Members’ and Members’ Staff Services Team, it will be assessed to ensure that the appropriate insurer is notified.

If your claim is declined then you will receive an email to let you know. This email is your "deadlock" email.

Once you have received this email, if you require further advice or support about the insurance available to you, please contact your Account Manager at IPSA.

Contact IPSA

To get additional support, contact us.