IPSA provides all MPs with a named Account Manager, Payroll Officer, and HOST Manager to support you throughout your tenure.
Account Managers
Your Account Manager will support you during your induction. They will conduct regular check-ins to answer your questions as you become familiar with our Scheme rules and learn to use IPSA Online.
Your Account Manager will be available to answer any queries, provide helpful advice, and assist you in optimising your budgets.
Payroll Officers
MPs are also provided with a named Payroll Officer. They will ensure you and your staff receive a seamless payroll service.
Your Payroll Officer will help you understand your staffing budget, advise how to use our handy online tools and calculators to forecast budget spending, and process all payroll forms you send us.
HOST Managers
MPs are also provided with a named HOST (Homes and Offices Services Team) Manager who will support you in registering properties, arranging deposit loans, and making rental payments on your behalf if requested.
How we are organised
Our teams are organised by geographical area and led by one of our MP Services Managers.
IPSA staff work remotely and are based throughout the UK.
You can contact us by phone and email, and arrange one-on-one calls with your named contacts.
Our teams also visit their areas to engage with our customers.