The Parliamentary Digital Service (PDS) provides all MPs and their Staff with all necessary hardware for the duration of their term.
For details of what this hardware includes visit Provision of IT equipment for Commons Members & their staff – PDS policy.
Paragraph 3.27 of the Scheme states:
“IPSA will not pay any claims for costs that are insurable or can be funded from other sources.”
IPSA will not provide funding for any hardware equipment that PDS could provide.
MPs should contact PDS for any alternative or additional equipment for themselves or their Staff.
In exceptional circumstances, IPSA may be able to provide additional equipment if PDS does not provide this.
Requests for additional equipment will require contingency funding.
Contingency funding
Before applying for contingency funding, consider the following:
The specific reason for the purchase (PDS should be able to provide the rationale for not providing the equipment).
Does the proposed cost represent value for money?
Would this equipment purchase cause an issue for future repairs or ongoing support?
Have any potential cyber-security risks been taken into account?
Specific information about contingency applications and the Contingency Panel’s decisions – and costs claimed from the contingency budget – are published on IPSA’s website in line with our publication policy.
Temporary position on claims for IT accessories
PDS is your first port of call for all new or replacement IT hardware equipment.
They can be contacted via email at and telephone at 0207 219 2001.
During the transition and as a temporary measure, we will allow claims for accessories – such as a replacement mouse or headsets – up to £50.
You must explain why the accessory was unavailable from PDS, or why it could not be provided by PDS in a suitable timeframe.
We will return claims if they are not accompanied by an explanation.
IPSA will not provide funding for any hardware equipment – including laptops, monitors, or iPads – that PDS have or can be provided by PDS.
This arrangement will be in place for the next few months, after which we will review the policy.
We will use the explanation you provide in the claims to identify how we, alongside PDS, can improve the system.
If you are unsure about buying equipment, please contact us before purchasing so we can advise.